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Parenting Anger: How to Handle Frustration When Your Child Acts Up


While our love for our children knows no bounds, the journey of parenthood can also be accompanied by a unique emotion – parenting anger. If it were possible, we would move the moon and stars to ensure that our children are happy, protected, and healthy. But sometimes even this unconditional love towards our kids doesn’t stop us from getting angry with them.

With your toddler’s screaming, crying, creating a mess, fussy eating, and tantrums, it is only natural to get mad. Remember, it is alright to get furious but what is not acceptable is to yell or spank your child. So what do you do to avoid any unintended eruption of rage when your little one makes your blood boil? Well, read on to know more on what to do when your child makes you angry:

Just Breathe (Anger Management):

This is a classic anger management trick that works all the time. If your toddler is really pushing your buttons and you are on the verge of losing your cool, just turn around, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. This will help you calm down and will offer you a moment to have control of your emotions before you address your child’s behavior.

Take Five (Coping Strategies):

If you feel the heat of your anger burning at your cheek, walk out of the situation to calm yourself. By pulling your angry self physically away from your child, you avoid the temptation of spanking as well as yelling.

Calm Down Before Disciplining (Parenting Tips):

Avoid acting out or punishing your child when angry as your ability to be reasonable is marred. Calm yourself down first. Tell them that what they did was wrong and that you disapprove of such behavior. Also, when you are doing this, sit down with your child at an eye-to-eye level. Towering over your child and disciplining can be intimidating for him/her.

Watch Your Tone & Your Choice of Words (Effective Communication):

Do not be rude or harsh with your tone as this is not going to make your child behave any better. Talk calmly in a firm tone. Also, do not swear or say mean things. This can have a negative impact on your child and will also take you on a guilt trip once the anger burns out.

Even Stanford Medicine

Do try these parenting anger management tips to calm your nerves when your child makes you angry. But parents remember, your child looks up to you for love, protection, and affection. So if you do end up losing your cool, ensure that you make it right immediately!

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