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The Top Three Myths About Day Care Busted


The stigma of putting children in day cares and pre-schools is slowly changing. Many more working and non-working women are beginning to enrol their little ones in day cares. A day care or pre-school offers your little ones a few options that stay-at-home care may not, such as bonding with same age peers, learning to share with other children, healthy competition etc.

We, at KLAY, understand that every parent has a few concerns about leaving their little ones in someone else’s care. As your parenting partner, we have made a list of few common concerns every parent has, and answered them for you.

“My child will grow unattached from me if s(he) is in day care”

Mothers, (and fathers!), breathe easy. A study sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development ( reported that the sense of trust felt by 15-month-old children in their mothers was not affected by whether or not the children were in day care, how many hours they spent there, the age they entered day care, the quality or type of care or by how many times the care arrangements were changed. “What affects the trust or bond of a child and his/her mother is the mother’s sensitivity and responsiveness to her child,” says Dr. Deborah.

“My little one will resent me, later in life, if I put him/her in day care”

No child will grow up to resent their parents because he/she was put in day care. If you feel that they might, take the time to talk to them (when they are of the age where they will be able to understand) and tell them the reason you put them in a day care. Open and honest communication helps build strong relationships. Remember, any time your little one shows signs of being upset with you, talk to him/ her about it.

“I’m a bad parent for considering day care for my child”

No, you are not a bad parent for putting your little one in a day care. Day cares help your little ones socialise with other children, they teach your little ones how to be independent and they also help role-model to your children that being independent is good. Your little ones learn from a very young age that having personal time is a necessity and they build more trust in themselves and in you. If you find the right pre-school, day care can be a rich and amazing experience for your children: they learn to develop trust in another adult aside from you; they learn to sleep through crying and fall asleep on their own; they make friends and look forward to seeing them; they learn from the older children, model for the younger; potty train earlier and so much more!

So the next time you feel guilty about your little one being in day care (or for considering putting your child in day care), stop your conditioned-brain from feeling that way, take a deep breath and choose to chase your dreams too!

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