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How to get the most out of your weekends by Rachel Cummings


When you’ve got kids, you’re pulled in so many different directions. There are tons of chores to do, lifts to give and play-dates to organise that it’s easy to miss out on quality time with little ones. Over the weekend you generally have more time with kids than during the week so it’s a great chance to really enjoy each other’s company. Here are a few ideas on family activities that will allow you to get the most out of those precious two days.

1. Cook a meal together

Although it’s convenient to opt for mostly pre-prepared food these days, there’s a lot of satisfaction to be had in making your own thing, and actually it can be a great way to spend quality time with the kids if you get them involved too. For example, why not make a big meal for the grandparents on Saturday evening and get little ones to help with all the elements involved: whether that’s washing veg, seasoning meat or making a pud. This activity is very educational in terms of food and cooking, but you can also use it as an excuse to teach them cleaning too. Why not suggest they help you clean the kitchen when you’re done. If you need more detailed info on the tasks involved like how to clean a gas stove then find out here.

2. Go on a family walk

If like many families, you struggle to pull yourselves away from technology then a family walk may be the answer. By getting kids (and adults!) out into the countryside you are forced to spend important hours away from phones, ipads, group messaging and the like. Head somewhere new and enjoy the peace and quiet of nature all together.

3. Have a crafternoon

When the weather isn’t good enough to spend time outside another great alternative to screen time is arts and crafts. All kids have some kind of creative streak and when they find it they’ll get so absorbed in their activity that they will forget all about the latest online video. Give them a range of options so they can choose something that suits their own skills and abilities. Get adults involved too so you all try to make something new.

Those are three great things you can do to spend quality time together as a family. Whether it’s learning to cook (and how to clean a gas stove!), spending time in nature or getting a bit crafty, with a bit of thought and planning you’ll be able to enjoy some quality hours together and really have fun as one big happy family.

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